Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Power of God For Our Salvation, Is in His Message - Not Ours

"The glory of the gospel is that when the Church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it." — Martyn Lloyd-Jones

 Blasphemy is when one thinks that the work of our Lord and Saviour's sacrifice on the cross at calvary was not attracted or enough to direct others to Him. They somehow have to fill in what they perceive to be attractive and more appealing. Rock bands, entertainment, skids, coffee houses, giant screens to read your bibles... Anything and anyone to introduce our "more appealing" Saviour. 

This post-modern message with their messengers, become the spotlight and are revered as rock stars and understood more than as to the real message of the God of the universe and His plan for salvation. They leave these entertaining venues, with the sense of awe for the speakers and the highlights of the show and the misconception as to what Jesus taught and His sacrifice for our salvation. Instead of the gospel making you feel uncomfortable and cut to the heart, in need of a Saviour, you leave in a state of euphoria, wanting to come back to the next show, filled with the same, with more to come in the weeks, months... ahead. 

Our youths are getting bamboozled by this so called "Seeker friendly" "post-modern" message right before our eyes and we are not recognizing the damage that it's causing and the danger they are in, regarding their eternal hope. They actually think that they have joined a cool Jesus social club , when in reality they have signed up for eternal damnation. They are being given a false sense of security with the "new agenda" , instead of the conviction of sin and repentance towards God. These so called "ministries" are selling a bag of rotten fruits to our youth of today, wrapped in beautiful trappings in this so called Post-modernism, "seeker friendly" in their message of "changing the world for Christ". A message from the first father of Post-modernism, Satan himself. 

Genesis 3:1; “Did God actually say..." The first statement in Scripture, in the questioning the authority of God and His Word. Just as Post-Modernism is attempting to do today, in the questioning of His Word, His authority and His Church. "He (God) is irrelevant way back when... and His Church is irrelevant now". "We need to appeal to the youth now, by making God and the Scriptures relevant for today" Liberty of thought and expression should be among the highest human values. If that's not a whisper from Satan himself, then we (the Church) are in denial and uninformed more than ever. God really didn't say that... "We live in different times and God must be aware that His message cannot and should not pertain to this modern society, as we have evolved and are more advanced..." So they say and preach this "other gospel".

To the postmodernist life is subjective. God's truth is objective. To them truth is relative. To God truth is absolute. To postmodernists truth is existential. Existentialism is defined by the dictionary this way:

A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.

"For the Christian church (even in its recently popular seeker services) to ignore, euphemize, or otherwise mute the lethal reality of sin is to cut the nerve of the gospel. For the sober truth is that without full disclosure on sin, the gospel of grace becomes impertinent, unnecessary, and finally uninteresting". — Cornelius Plantinga

Pray for our youth and know what your children are being sold. Their eternal life depends on it.

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