Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A Corrupt Church For A Corrupt Age

Laodicea Revelation 3:17 "You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."

Of the Churches of Asia, Laodicea stands alone. She is absolutely unique. She bears no suffering or persecution. There is no hunger or tribulation. Yet she is the most disgusting Church of the Ages. It is the ONLY Church of the ages to which the Lord has absolutely NOTHING good to say. What a repulsive thought! She is the product of her mother Babylon, who proudly stands among the nations and declares "I am a queen and have need of nothing" (Rev.18). She boasts her wealth as a sign of God's approval. She stoops to giving her miserly contributions to her sibling Churches in poor nations and slaps herself on the back for her bland effort. While her brothers and sisters dig for roots to eat in equatorial Africa, she entertains her lofty attendees. She is GRAND indeed. She is the expression of Babylon the Great----the Mother of Harlots. She is the Church of America. Yet, in God's eyes, she is the poorest of all. She is destitute in values. She is corrupted by her own wealth and beauty. Her days are spent looking in the mirror and seeing only her own loveliness. She is institutionally incestuous. She is narcissistic, blind and deaf. Her dainty odours veil the rotting of her flesh. At the same time, she is INSANE. Her doctrines are corrupted with deceit. Her master is that same Crowning Cherub who served as Heaven's Minister of Music. Only the strong medication of DESTRUCTION and POVERTY can return her to a right mind".

Why is it that we put our government under such a microscope (as we should) and yet we don't do the same as to our spiritual leaders? We hang on every word at every news conference that our political leaders hold. Search and research all day long, newspapers, internet, FB, Twitter, social media... as to what is being done and what is being said. We are extremely knowledgeable in the world's politics and affairs, but novices in the Kingdom of God. We haven't the slightest inkling, as to what or why things are being said by our representatives of God, our shepherds, our spiritual leaders, where it matters the most.

the Church (The Bride of Christ) less important? Can we say as it was once said in a state of the union. "I'm pleased to announce the condition of our nation is strong and without falter?" Can we say the same of our Church in general? Are they no longer wolves, false teachers...within our midsts? Are the Scriptures in error in warning us as to the last days, in the light of (2 Peter 2.1) If we would spend half the time in trying to warn everyone as to what our government is doing, instead as to what is going on in our own backyards, we wouldn't be experiencing such confusion and chaos as to doctrine, false teaching... We already know who the players are in our government and we also know the playbook like the back of our hands. And we should exercise our freedoms by voting them out, as our only alternative in changing candidates as elected officials and changing policy. But when it comes to our house of worship we can't tell you who said what and where, when it comes to our "Spiritual leaders" within Christendom. We are clueless as to what false message or gospel is being taught in our pulpits. We have a tendency to let others find out and keep us informed as to what they are doing or saying, and that also has been far and in between.

We are Saints, Soldiers in an army in obedience and under the authority of a King. Why are we in this army and what are we protecting? Are we defenders of Truth? Or are we Saints and Soldiers in name only? We are so apt in enjoying the benefits and blessings of this Kingdom, but the enemy has made us afraid of fighting for truth and never wanting to confront or speak out. We are afraid of attacking the Teflon Don's of our churches, afraid of the repercussions. Truth is to be fought for at ALL cost, and everywhere where it is misrepresented, not when it's convenient. Wolves and false teachers are to be exposed and ousted at every level within the body of Christ, His Bride. There should be no exemptions to the rule, under the authority of this Kingdom and its King.

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