Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reality T.V. - Detrimental to our Youth? Or Lessons in Life.

What kind of a situation has the "situation" gotten himself into this time? What did Snookie say or do and who is he punching out this week. Or what did he say to get them so upset? Who is going to be the sex partners this week. Who is the bachelor or bachelorette going to choose as their “true love” and life partner within the next couple of weeks. Which “Real” ( which is a REAL slap in the face, to the REAL housewives out there.) housewife of either New York, Atlanta, Washington D.C.... is going to piss off and get into a hair pulling, shouting match. And on and on and on..... testosterone and estrogen gone wild. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to be a prude. I know that these shows are just that. Shows that we can laugh and make fun of. I’m guilty of sitting down and laughing at their stupidity and senselessness. But we as adults can recognize and process the madness of these narcissists craving for attention and admiration. Our youth cannot comprehend or understand what is reality or the greediness of MTV, VH1... and the grandiosely of these individuals who decide to go on these shows.

What has society and the youth of our country turned in or on too, that has made their way of thinking and their perspective of life in general, revolve around the madness of reality t.v. Is this their perception of reality and life in general? Are these the lessons and role models of our sons, daughters and grandkids, they're going to look up to in the future? Is this who we really want them to emulate? Where has our morality and our sense of responsibility gone to. I know you’re going to say, it’s part of growing up. We had our shares of role models growing up. It’s just another generation trying to find their way just like past generations. I don’t know about you, but the role models in T.V. shows that we had growing up where, the Clever family in “Leave it to Beaver”, “Father Knows Best”, “My Three Sons” “Bill Cosby Show” "Bonanza"... Where they taught us responsibility, honor, courage, respect and at the end of those shows, you actually felt good about yourself and your fellow man. You came away with a sense of hope and worth. What is it that you come away with, after watching these modern reality shows? Sense of hopelessness, confusion, anger, at the characters for their actions as they watch and follow a scripted soap.

Don’t get me wrong they are shows that do teach lessons that you can come away with, that give you some sort of perspectives of real life; "The Apprentice", where you get some understanding and glimpses of business and the corporate world. Motivational shows like, "The Big Loser." Where people dealing with obesity can get the help, drive and inspiration, to get them out of their debilitating lives. "Extreme Makeover - Home Addition", where people come together in helping the misfortunate. But these shows are very few in between. Our youth is not interested in these type of shows. The MTV, VH1 and other networks, has captivated this generation and basically brain washed our precious commodity, as they portray people in senseless situations, in order to appease their curiosity. Meanwhile, while they’re occupied and consumed with the cesspool of some of these shows, reality and the things that really matter in life are just passing them by, never to return. "Like Sands Through the Hourglass... So Are the Days of Our Lives ..." If I had a nickel for every time I heard that phrase growing up, I would be another Donald Trump.

Parents, grandparents... let’s take back what is ours and be vigilant. Let us not be idle and just sit back while our youth are being lobotomized and do nothing, before is too late. These are the most impressionable years of their lives and we should not allow others to have control in impacting, influencing their thoughts on these precious lives. The future depends on it.

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