Friday, February 24, 2012

The Child of God, in a Hostile Fallen World

We Christians, sometimes are like the prodigal son, stubborn, prideful, selfish, indignant, refusing to accept direction, counsel. We ratter waste time and effort, cleaning the pigpen, and refusing to realize that we are a child of a King, in a Kingdom that's not of this world. We have decided to discard our armor of a soldier and enjoy a meal with the swines, instead of enjoying a full banquet, as an heir of a Kingdom that awaits us at the end of that traveled road. To all intents and purposes, we have induced our own amnesia and have totally forgotten as to who we are, why we are here, or where we are going and our purpose in life. Not caring of the consequences that befall on each and every one of us who decides to walk in our own paths and strength. As the repentant prodigal came to his senses, we must also visit that place, where we say, "I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to Him, "Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before you." (Luke 15:18,19) 

It is not easy living in these fleshly mortal bodies, that at times cannot see or understand what is really happening all around us, in that invisible war that's taking place within our midst. That is where Prophets of old, Apostles and our Lord Himself lived most of the times, by walking and relying on the Spirit for guidance, wisdom, discernment, knowledge and strength. As in the old Testament, as soon as they sinned or lost focus as to the task at hand that was given to them specifically by the LORD Himself, the Spirit of God immediately left them, and the power, wisdom strength... was drained from their bodies. They became mere men, walking aimlessly with no purpose without the counsel of God, like many Christians in today's world. The consequences where always the same, no direction, helpless blind-men without a guide. They lost the light that keep them from darkness, in a dark world of confusion.

This is why God, through the writers of the Holy Scriptures, spend so much time in conveying His message to us, as to the work and power of the Holy Spirit for our lives. Always warning us about this invisible war (Spiritual Warfare) that we face every single day. As to why, it was so important to our Lord Jesus to convey this message to his disciples, before he ascended to the Father. "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." (John 14:26) 

What we have done is a great injustice to God The Holy Spirit. We have taken this great gift from God and we have turned Him into a "force", a thing, something that does things for our own gain and purpose. Not relying upon Him as God, only calling upon Him as we have run out of options, and our own strength has been depleted. We have grieved, sin against and have totally rejected His counsel and Holiness, always using Him as our third and last option. One of the gravest mistakes that we have committed in not worshiping Him as God, The Holy Spirit. 

We can do nothing without the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He is our counselor, comforter, helper, who will teach us ALL things and bring to our remembrance all that the Lord said and did for us. This is one, if not, the main reason, as to why, we as sojourners, walk this earth aimlessly wounded, weak, hungry and disoriented soldiers, from a constant battle that never lets up and will only continue until we are called home. Confused, not really sure if we belong, where we are headed or the direction of our true home. We are caught between two worlds, torn between the two. And at times, without realizing, we find ourselves serving two masters at the same time, devoted to the one and despising the other. (Matthew 6:24). And without the help of the Comforter, teacher, helper...Holy Spirit, we will continue on that same path of confusion with no directive, as past defeated men of God fell into the snare of the enemy.

You may ask; How do we gap that schism? How do we make that leap? How do we bridge that gulf?...By renewing our minds. Not being comformed to this world and its lust. We need to be completely transformed, to what is good, acceptable and perfect. It is a minute by minute process that we need to work on with the help of the Holy Spirit. We must do this, not only continually, but must also be consistent in His fellowship, as we walk, think and act, that we might not grief Him and stop His dunamis power, that we desperately need as we sojourn through this vast wasteland. 

Ephesians 6:17, depicts "the sword of the Spirit" as the only offensive weapon in the whole armor of God, that we can use in this spiritual battle. It refers to this weapon as "the sword of the Spirit" who's sword is it? Is it ours? Is this the sword that we have in our hands as an offensive weapon against all enemies. We do have His Word, but I strongly believe that it is the Holy Spirit, who is holding that Sword as He, (God) goes before us to do battle in our behalf as the LORD of Hosts, just as He did in the old Testament for Israel.

We as Christians have deal with so many obstacles in our daily lives. Not only do we struggle with our flesh continually warring against the Spirit and visa versa, opposing each other, to keep us from doing the things that we want and need to do (Galatians 5:17). But always doing battle against a world who has contempt for us because of a conveying message from a King that they revile and detested from the very beginning, (John15:18,19); (John 3:13). But before we can catch our breath, we are also waging a campaign against the hosts of hell and their leader (Satan), who will stop at nothing from spreading the Gospel message. Like a roaring lion, (1 Peter 5:8) he comes to rob, steal and destroy (John 10:10), not for the world, but specifically for us. He has his full concentrated and undivided attention on God's very elect at all times.

He (Satan) will rob us, of our spiritual sight, in trying to keep us blind as to our surroundings.
Steal, our joy and anything else he is allowed to put his hands on.
Destroy, our perception of who God is, His truth, Word, and question His plans for our very lives.

So the next time that someone says to you, that being becoming a Christian is Joy, peace, love, prosperity... and everything is, and all will be okay, once you "accept" Christ into your life. Yes, we also do posses those beautiful blessing that our heavenly Father freely have giving His children. Love, peace, joy... BUT we must also understand that we are in the middle of a fierce battle. We must wake up from our slumber and keep our eyes on the battlefield at hand, if we want to be victorious Christians. We need to be prepared always, not just on Sunday mornings. We have a responsibility to our brothers and sisters, in making sure they understand the severity of this present darkness. You will save them from future misery. Not that we should not rejoice in all of those blessings that are bestowed upon us as a child of God. But only speaking for myself, those come far an in between, in a war that is persistently tries to rob, steal and destroy our very existence. Those blessings are places in our lives where we rest and reflect as to why we are in this war and what we are fighting for in our Kingdom and for our King, which are not of this world. It is not, if tribulation comes and pays a visit, or knocks at the door of our lives, but when. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33); (Acts 14:22)

Being drafted and hand pick by the commanding officer Himself (God) in this invisible army, is not for the faint-hearted. It takes, conviction, courage and a faith that goes beyond our reason or comprehension. The comfort that we have within that faith, that He gives to all His children, is that we have a loving God that goes before us to do battle. And we will always be conquers, through His precious Son, Lord of lords and King of kings, Christ our Lord! The battle cry and hymn, to all who enter this invisible war. 

"Not by might or by power, but by my Spirit says the LORD of Hosts. Zechariah 4:6